Make With
Mohawk Campaign

Campaign Design,
Art Direction

In 2019, Mohawk launched the "Make With Mohawk" campaign, aiming to give people the opportunity to create artwork and ideas that may have been sitting on the back burner waiting to take form. It gave artists and designers the ability to explore Risograph, Digital, and Letterpress printing on high-quality Mohawk paper. Visual compositions were created to capture and highlight everything that could be made through these three print techniques, and were used to promote the campaign on social media and the Mohawk website.

Along with the campaign, Mohawk re-introduced "The Mohawk Show," a competition celebrating the art of print and making.

Print Portal & Collaborators

The print portal helped creators make prints, envelopes, posters, and more with a wide variety of Mohawk paper stocks specific to their needs.

Prints by popular artists and designers to help raise awareness for the campaign included: Lab Partners, Büro Büro Studio, and Hybrid Design (Risograph); David McLeod, Kennet Mohrman, and Painted Mary (Digital); Brendan Monroe, Super Nice Letters, and Nathaniel Russell (Letterpress).

The Mohawk Show

The Mohawk Show is an ongoing competition that was launched with the campaign to celebrate and award great craft and print making. Using the Make With Mohawk look and feel as a foundation, we created imagery and a poster to announce the award show that felt connected to the campaign but unique in their own way.

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